Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The following is a descriptive essay by Kimberly Cardenas.  May it serve as yet another reminder of the fleeting nature of life.  Leave your comments for Kimberly...
The day I felt that everything fell apart right before my eyes, and there was nothing I could do was on August 4, 2007. It was the day the most important person in my life passed away, my mother.   Never did I think this day would come as soon as it did.  As I walked away from the hospital that afternoon, I felt like a new person with no direction.  I felt empty as if someone had taken a piece of my heart and broke it into a thousand pieces.  I  didn’t know what to feel at that moment, I couldn’t cry, I couldn’t smile, I couldn’t  really process what was going on . I was numb.  I had many mixed feelings, emotions, and thoughts going on about where I should go from there. 
I remember this day like it was yesterday and I hate looking back at this day because it reminds me of the worst day of my life.  Remembering the horrible feeling I felt in my stomach, the loneliness I felt in my heart, and the desire to pour my eyes out.  It was the day I felt I got robbed from life and, from the most important person that existed in my life.  From my mom’s brown Shirley Temple curls to her sweet smell, and her beautiful pearly white teeth that could light up any room, I miss her and her genuine sweet personality.  She filled my days with happiness and love.  Her presence made my day.  She treasured me because I was her baby but, I treasured her as if she was my baby.  
Living in a small town in El Salvador and growing up in a household with only one parent, my mom was forced to get a job at the age of fourteen.  She worked very hard, trying to help my grandmother while struggling to go to school and then going to work, which meant there was no time to play or hang out with friends.   My mom lived no childhood fantasy she grew up without a father who neglected her as his daughter and who refused to ever give her anything.  She was forced to grow up quickly and deal with responsibilities that normal children and teenagers don’t ever have to deal with till later on.  My mother knew how to cook, clean and how to maintain a household by the time she was fifteen.  My mother was known to be very pretty, possibly one of the prettiest girls in their town.  She always carried herself with respect and was always a very responsible hard working woman, and many idolized her because of that.
My mom was the first person from her side of the family to make the decision to leave El Salvador and to come to the U.S.   She knew it was time for change in her life and she knew that she could not progress if she didn’t do this.   At age twenty-three, she came to this country not knowing one single soul and without knowing the language fluently.  She lived in a small apartment in Queens, N.Y. while working in a wealthy area in Long Island cleaning houses.  She struggled to make a living, but eventually she made it so she could live comfortably alongside my father who she ended up marrying four years later.
My mother was the sweetest, and most kind hearted, hard working woman that I have ever known.  From cleaning the house spotless, to cooking mouth watering meals, she tried to do it all while being sick. I could not imagine being sick, working, cleaning, coming home to my husband and then having to deal with my children.  It honestly seems like a job for superwoman to me, but that’s what my mother is to me she's my superwoman. She managed to do everything and most of all have time for her children.  I knew I could always go to my mom for anything. She was an amazing person with a heart of gold.
Ever since I could remember my mom has been sick. She felt that she never had the opportunity to live life with me like she did with my two older siblings.  She felt guilty and thought I would resent her for that, and I hope she knows that I would never.  After my mom found out she had leukemia her life felt like a ticking clock.  My mother valued everyday that was given to her and she prayed and thanked god for granting her another day, to spend with her children and family.  My mom always said her children were the most important and valuable things in her life.  She said she always wanted to have a family and if she was granted with a family one day, she wanted the best for them so they wouldn’t ever have to suffer and go through what she did.  She also told us that everything she did, coming to this country and working hard was for us.  So we could one day have the opportunity to go to college, earn our degrees and become successful in life and have a loving family of our own.
I love my mother more than words can express and I know no one is perfect, but in my eyes my mother was perfect in every single way.  I could be having the worst day of my life but I knew she would be there with open arms and ready to tell me the three words that I must have heard everyday till the last that she spent on this earth. - "I love you".  This, along with a kiss on the forehead that always made everything better.  I can't remember one day ever passing by that she didn’t say I love you. Her hellos were more like I love you's and my mother never liked the term goodbye.  She always told me that that goodbye is forever.  So from this day on I always say, see you later to everyone.
The hardest thing to accept is the fact that she isn’t here anymore.  Two years have gone by and I still think of her every single day. I miss her, and her endless loving hugs, and that smile that brightened my day but, what I do miss most of all is yelling out, "mommy.” The love and words my mom instilled in me can never be forgotten.  She dedicated her whole life trying to give me the best that she could and always encouraged me in every possible way.  Sometimes I do get scared that I will forget about her thirty or forty years from now. Then I sit back and think, she's my mom and there is no way you can forget your mother.  She taught me things that I will not ever forget, especially how to love someone and to always be ready to face any challenge thrown at me. She is the best person I have ever met in my life, my inspiration to succeed, and I cannot her compare to anyone.  I am more sure now, than ever that I will always remember my mom, my best friend, my guardian angel and that, she will always live on with me forever.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Your mom must be very thankful for having a daughter like you=)

  3. I think you're a strong individual for experiencing such a tragedy. I couldnt imagine what my life would be like if i didn't have my mother. My heart goes out to you. <3

  4. Grief ends up being such a random thing. Time keeps moving and we feel as though we have grieved our losses and a sun shower, out of nowhere the feelings come, the tears surface and we must give in to our longing for those we love. May you be embraced in her love each and every moment.

  5. time can get harder on a person once their loved ones are gone. You just have to keep your head up and try to accomplish everything you can dont let that bring you down. And no matter what happenes she will always be looking down on you in a loving and caring way. You have my prayers.

  6. We all have love ones we have lost but they will always be in our hearts

  7. Its hard to lose someone you love but look at the bright side. Your mother got you to be who you are and wants to see you do better than she did. Meaning any parent would do something for their child whether its getting him/her to school or being strict so the child doesn't suffer the same mistakes the parents did when they were a child. so accomplish your goals and make your mom proud no matter what

  8. It most be very painfull to live without your mom. I liked the way you expressed yourself telling us how great your mom was. Im sure where ever she is right now she's very prould of you. I enjoyed reading your post.

  9. I have been taking my mom for granted. As blunt as that sounds, its true I have been putting her aside in so many mini details. Your are the ideal person a hard working, passionate, and observant mother deserves in her life. I'm just grateful just to no your in my class, image your mother. She must be looking down with a smile and a "I love you".

  10. To loose your mother must have been the hardest thing ever. Just remember she is with you every day and i am sure she is very proud of you.

  11. It's very sad that you lost your mother. If you need to tell something to someone, you can talk to your relatives.

  12. This is really touching..I've never been in a situation like this and I hope that I don't come to this anytime soon. You are a very lucky person to have a mom like you did. I know your mom would be really proud if she knew what you wrote.

  13. This story made me very emotional and made me realized how lucky i am to have my mom with me. i think from this day on, i will appreciate my mother more and thank god to have another day with her. i am sorry about your mother Kimberly.But Be thankful for the happpy moments spent with your mom and the wisdom your mother instilled in you.

  14. im so sorry, wish you well.

  15. the fact that you are able to express in such detail your feelings,emotions and thoughts about your mother even after her death is a beautiful thing. DEATH in general is hard to cope with and the saying that "time heals all wounds" is not very satifying because although for some it may in this situations and in many that is not the case. With time this pain will become a memory, but your love will always remain..and eventually youll be okay because you will accept that she is in a better place and at peace

  16. wow.. i felt the same exact way when i lost my grandfather. He loved and cared for me so much. Continue to make your mom happy and keep the Lord in your your path in all that you do. May God continue to Bless you and your family.

  17. I can only imagine how devistated it was to lose your mom,but i like how you delt with your emotions and continue on with your life your mom is difinitely smiling down on you from heaven above :)!

  18. im heartbroken by your loss. i know what it feels like to lose someone. just stay strong and keep moving foward. remember their teachings and you will go far.its a big change in our lives.

  19. In your first paragraph i really didnt know what to think. It was hard for me to read and not get emotional because everyday i think what would i do without my mother. It must have been hard for you to write this essay but in the end it was really nice.

  20. I feel as though you are strong in this tragedy that happened to your mother. You are doing a good job staying in school and doing what you have to do that made your mother proud. Your mother is smiling at you from heaven and is happy that you are not giving up on everything in life.Im so sorry for your lost but im happy that you are doing good and keeping your head up and staying strong in this bad tragedy.

  21. I'm sorry for your loss. Reading this almost made me cry and it made me think about many things. My dad's sick, just like my grandmother was, & he's one of the most important things i value right now. I have no idea what i would do without him & i thank for every day that goes by, that he's living it & with a full smile on his face. A love like the one you have towards your mother, is a love that you will never forget or lose no matter how many years go by. Just be very thankful you had the opportunity to have her as a mother & when you have your own kids, talk about her & the stuff she did for your family & the stuff you guys did together. It'll keep her memory even more alive & she'll be thankful for it. Just know she's always watching you & taking care of you even though she's gone. & she's still alive, in your heart. & just remember she did what she had to do & she's now in a better place & she's still there for you & looking after you. If you want, you could even write her letters, even though she'll never get them, or talk to her every once in a while, it's a way of showing you still care. =]

    -Marlene Torres S.

  22. this the most heart felt story i have read in my life and it great how your mother did all of these amazing things that made you te person you are now, im srry for your lost, and if my grandmother or father was to pass i dont know what i would do either...but you hung in there and hopefully your still hanging in there...
