Saturday, October 31, 2009

Animal Cruelty - By Keith Jeffers

What do you think?

Animal cruelty has existed in the past, present and will continue in the future. 
Animals are no different than humans. They have senses and live the same as humans live. Animals have feelings, and should be treated in a more appropriate way than being portrayed. Animals are used for food, clothing and are held captive. Being held captive is being a prisoner or being confined under control. 

Animals are also used for science, and military research.  “The case against Meat” was an article used to educate reader that meat is bad for the environment, it increases global hunger, brutalizes, animals, and it’s bad for human health. This article was used to inform readers that meat destroys the life of animals and eventually will destroy the health of humans. In this article the author also tries to persuade the readers to become less involved in destroying animals and more involved in caring for them.

In comparison, the film” Earthlings” gives the viewer’s a much broader sense of what happens
to animals. They go into graphic visuals and clarify how humans are in control of the way we handle animals. As humans, we use animals as pets, for military research, and scientist use them as experiments. Testing animals can be very dangerous not only to humans, but animals are often the victims. Animal cruelty is common in an everyday part of the way we live our lives.

The use of animals plays an enormous role in the entertainment world. After watching “Earthlings” I realize that that we use animals for terrible purposes. As humans we clothe ourselves in animals, eat animals, and worst of all annihilate animals. Most animals have sense just like humans. Animals want to be loved, cared about, and should be recognized for something other than mutilation. Watching this film made open my heart for animals. I now understand how much we as humans control and determine the lives of so many creatures known to mankind.

From reading this article and from watching the film I’ve also noticed how animal cruelty can wreck human life.  Eating a lot of beef and pork can cause arteries to malfunction, and cause heart problems for humans in the long run. It can also lead to an early departure in human life. Now I want cut back on eating meat, and learn how we as humans can be able to survive without meat. 

There’s plenty of ways we can still eat healthy without the usage of meat. Animal cruelty existed before my generation and will continue to progress after my generation. As a species we must realize the energy we put into destroying animals, and come to a resolution on how to prevent animal cruelty.


  1. "The Case Against Meat" and "Earthlings" definitely made me more aware of the cruelty towards animals. I have changed the way I eat and what I buy because of the article and documentary

  2. Indeed we need a more compassionate and conscious view of other sentient beings. Leading a balanced, peaceful and conscious life is not possible unless we live in balance with nature in every way.

    An open heart will take you so far Keith...

  3. I also Tyree watching that movie and reading the article has made a big change in my life. i eat much healthier, I buy only what"s in need, and i use less electricity. So it definitely has changed my way of living.

  4. Animal cruelty is a serious issue and it is heartbreaking to watch what living creatures can do to other living creatures. We should treat every living being the way we would like to be treated. This is the first step in ending animal cruelty.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This article reflects on the saying, "Don't do unto others what you don't want them to do unto you." If we are killing the animals, then in return, their meat will also kill us by slowly affecting and harming our health.

  7. You are correct about the serious issue of animals and it is sad to see what happens to these poor animals and what they have to go through just to feed us. I think it is also very important for us to start eating better because we are not aware of the serious issues that this meat could do to our health. I for one have changed a lot of my eating habits. So my life has changed because of all of this helpful information.

  8. animal cruelty has to stop since some animals help build crops.if the food chain for animals are broken then even humans will cease to exist

  9. First I would like to commend Keith for the EXCELLENT writing skills he has exibit. The article is very informing and also an eye opener to the public about the way we treat our animals for self gratification.This article helped me to be more aware when shopping and the actual sacrifice animals do for the human race.I will instill this information to his step son shamir and his daughter kniya Delores Jeffers.LOVE MS. SMITH

  10. I completly agree, both the article and film made me be more aware of what I eat. I do infact see food, and animals diffrently, and I wish others can see that animals feel pain just like we do.

  11. You have a point here..We have to stop treating animals differently They also have feelings too and we just treat them with no respect. The movie really got to me..i really never looked at meat the same ever since Earthlings. Sometimes I get disgusted knowing where the meat is actually coming from.
