Monday, October 5, 2009

The following is a response to the High Five Nation Article by Leonel Aguilar

Leave your comments for Leonel...
According to the author our society has become one that is accustomed to a routine. As a society we went from one that takes pride in its big achievements to one where self-admiration has taken over. People tend to pay more attention to little things such as what “celebrities” are doing and what they say, not worrying about what is really going on. Soldiers have died in war and most of us don’t have a good understanding as to why we are fighting a war. The title of this article High Five Nation is very ironic, everyone seems to think everything is good and perfect in our society when in reality is not.
According to David Brooks we must be a noble community like we were in 1945 after WWII. During that time the people came together because they were glad the war was over. Everyone forgot about what little problems they had and dealt with this big achievement in the most humble way. 

Now we have celebrities bragging about little things they achieve and people tend to cheer them on. What Kanye West did at the MTV Video Music Awards was not a noble action and it shows how much we have changed as a society. I agree with Brooks and I know we must change our ways as a society.  Also, I must say that while I agree I also disagree with this statement “The allies had completed one of the noblest military victories in history and with humility.” Dropping two atom bombs in one country, I don’t consider this a noble action. 

Hiroshima: aftermath of the atomic bomb


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. i agree with the atom bomb statement but do you think we would have won with out it

  3. This response to the article "High Five Nation" is very interesting. It's true people spend more time watching reality shows and celebrities than they do watching the news. people are unaware of the current issues around them. They only way we are going to be a compassionate society is if everyone change their ways.

  4. "Dropping two atom bombs in one country, I don't consider this a noble action" I agree.

  5. I agree that there is no nobility in war, so the questions becomes...are we as human beings inherently violent? Is violence through war the only way to get to peace?

  6. "Dropping two atom bombs in one country, I don’t consider this a noble action."

    I agree with you. I like how you pointed out ways you agreed with Brooks, and also ways you didn agree with him.


  8. There are great thoughts and brilliant comparison between the past and the present society, especially how the thoghts of the people have change in a century.

  9. Yes i agree with the statement you said about the allies, but do you think it would have been different without the bomb?

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. i agree people admire themselves to much and dont see the effort in other people

  12. I agree that it was not a noble act to drop two atomic bombs in one country. Our society has changed. Now almost everything people care about is unimportant and it's disapointing.

  13. It isn't really a noble act to drop two bombs just to end war? These are lives that these bombs destroyed in japan, war never changes because its a never ending cycle of despair

  14. Your novel anout the high five nation was very interesting. Its true how peole now in these days rather to whatch reality shows than the news. According to drop out two bombs in one country don't consider this a noble action" I agree.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. The article states the real big issue our country is facing today. Most of us are complete egomaniacs. I agree .

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I agree that our society has changed and small and minor things are being acknowledged. I couldnt agree with you more about everything that you wrote on your paper.

  19. It's true that we changed as a society and that we aren't as noble as we were after WWII and dropping two atomic bombs wasn't very noble but we needed to do that to win the war.

  20. I agree with you. People always like into the mainstream but they don't pay attention to the littlist thing that is happening around them.

  21. i agree , not much thought has been given to real heros such as soliders. The only people who get recognition are celebrities.

  22. i agree, americans are so wrapped up in lights,camera action life they dont take notice whats at hand. There are bigger things to worry about i just dont think they will notice until it occurs to themselves or to family member of their own

  23. This is a well written aritcle. It was clear and well summaried. I liked when he says "Dropping two atom bombs in one country, I don’t consider this a noble action." that is a really good statement.
